Sexy Talk on Twitter! Tips to boost your Twitter

Sexy Twitter Lips
Sexy Twitter Lips

Are you chatting people up on Twitter?

How do you super boost your Twitter? When people ask me this I always tell them engage engage engage! Engagement marketing is the most effective form of social marketing. The whole principle behind it is talking to people. That also happens to be the founding principle of all social media. So it is no surprise that it is the most effective way to manage your Twitter.  The next big question is how do I engage? Get with the sexy talk! Ok, it doesn’t actually have to be sexy talk. But you have to talk to people.

Who do you talk to? Everyone! Talk to tweeps who follow you. Find a hashtag or a trend and talk to someone who posted something that made you laugh. Search for keywords for your industry and talk to the people that come up in the search.  The important thing is that you start talking!

Being a wall flower in social media not only will not get people to talk to you, but you will actually be invisible. If you want to be seen and build your visibility you need to put yourself out there. By this I mean talking to people. Tweeting about your business and your website is fine, but make sure that is not all you talk about. You need to talk to other twitters about what they are doing. Retweet their content. Ask them about their work and projects. People love to talk about themselves. If you are wondering how to start a conversation ask them about them.

Social sharing is one of the foundations of social marketing. You build your clicks by having people share your content. The more generous you are with sharing the more generous they will be with their sharing. The soap box methodology of marketing does not work. People on Twitter are not interested in just hearing about you. It is a more of a scratch my back and I will scratch yours type of environment. People want to know that you are a resource, someone who will post interesting and relevant content.

Some of you may be thinking, but I am in porn? Yes, it works that way in porn too. Talk to your tweeps. Retweet pics of their #TittyTuesday posts and they will likely retweet yours. Plus your audience likes to see the interaction. When you talk to other people you become more interesting. Not just to them but to all the folks who are reading your tweets.

So go out there and get talking!